Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Roman Colosseum

Roman Colosseum, is a large and historic building located in Rome, Italy. This building was built in the time of Emperor Vespasian. And was completed in AD 80, have (approximately) 50,000 spectator seats to watch a variety of shows such as contests and public spectacles gladitorial.

The architect of the building is Chikippa Roman Colosseum, with the year of manufacture AD 70 - 82. The building was made with the type of amphitheater, which is a large theater, with the style Ancient Roman buildings.

Building Construction Roman Colosseum

Reconstruction of Roman Coliseum starting from orders of King Vespasian in AD 72 and resolved by his son Titus in AD 80. Roman Colosseum established adjacent to a magnificent palace which previously built by Nero, who was named Domus Aurea was built after the great fire of Rome in AD 64. Dio Cassius a historian says that there are about 9000 wild animals that have been killed in 100 days as a celebration of the inauguration and opening of the Colosseum. The floor of the Colosseum arena was covered with sand to prevent the blood does not flow anywhere.

History of Naming Roman Colosseum

The name of the Colosseum was derived from a 130 foot tall statue or 40 m, Colossus. Colossus statue was remade as a substitute Nero as a parable of Sol the sun god, by adding sun crown. In the mid time, colossus statue has disappeared. An expert said that since the statue was made ​​of copper, the statue was melted down for reuse.

Roman Colosseum also called Flavian Amphitheatre that is not known who gave that name. In Italy, Colosseum is named il Colosseo but other Roman languages ​​use the name le colisée, and el coliseo to mention the Colosseum.

The show at the Roman Colosseum

In the Roman Colosseum when it was the venue for a spectacular show, which is a fight between animals (venetaiones), the fight between prisoners and animals, execution of prisoners (noxii), water fight (naumachiae) by flooding the arena, and battles between gladiators (munera). For hundreds of years, it is estimated thousands of people and animals die in the Coliseum show.


There are various types of gladiator full armor or armored gladiators like Gallus (from Galia), Samnite, Thracian (Thrax), Murmillo, Hoplomachus, Secutor, Provocator or Cataphractarius. Gladiators that is lightly armed, dressed in a little, have more freedom to move, such as Retiarius, Dimachaeri or Laquerarius.
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