Friday, July 04, 2014

Last Paradise In The World for Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is feasible to get the nickname of the world's last paradise. The place is a lot of beautiful scenery encountered. From the highest point in the sky to the sea floor, Raja Ampat has a charm that can make people marvel at its beauty. you will not be disappointed when you arrive at this place, might even want to go back there again.

Last Paradise In The World

Raja Ampat archipelago consists of islands large and small, strands of coral sea, mountains, tropical forests, white sandy beaches and a variety of animal life in it makes the Raja Ampat has the unmatched beauty of the landscape is difficult.

The geographical position of the Raja Ampat archipelago is located in the center of the world's coral reef triangle makes the waters of Raja Ampat rich underwater biodiversity.

Waters of Raja Ampat has a wealth of 603 types of hard coral reefs. This amount represents 75% of the number of coral species in the world. Waters of Raja Ampat has a wealth estimated 1397 species of fish. It is not wrong when the waters of Raja Ampat is referred to as the "Capital of Fish in the World".

In addition, there are also 60 species of crayfish, 699 of soft animal species (species of mollusks) consisting of 530 snails (Gastropoda), 159 shellfish (bivalve mollusks), 2 Scaphopoda, 5 squid (cephalopod), and 3 chiton

The wealth of underwater life puts Raja Ampat become one of the most popular tourist destinations by scuba diving enthusiasts in the world of sports.
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